"> St. Gerard School

St. Gerard School

St. Gerard School is a Catholic School, part of the Archdiocese of St. Boniface.  We are pleased to offer students a place where their faith can grow as well as a curriculum in accordance with the regulations set out by the Department of Education and Training by the Province of Manitoba.  St. Gerard provides an engaging educational environment that fosters the spiritual, academic, social and emotional growth of its students.  St. Gerard School is a place where students have the opportunity to participate in the Eucharist and learn in a safe, caring environment.

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To contact us :
40 Foster Street,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R2L 1V7

Phone: 204-667-4862   
Fax: 204-668-7932
Email: stgerard@shaw.ca

Click here for our location.

The Creator gifted us with this land that we are blessed to share and care for together. In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we live, work, learn and play on Treaty 1 territory, the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Ojibway Cree, Dakota and Dene, the homeland of the Metis Nation and where some of our inuit brother and sisters now make their home.